Sunset Bay RV Resort & Campground ..
Directions to Sunset Bay: From Calumet, approx 5 mile north to Ahmeek on US 41. Turn left on Wright Street. A sign on the right shoulder of US 41 reads "5 Mile Point Road". Proceed 2 blocks to 5 Mile Point Rd and turn right. Go about 8 miles and down long hill toward Lake Superior. Turn left at Sunset Bay Beach RD (Campground sign on right). About 1/2 mile down gravel road to campground.
Sunset Bay RV Resort & Campground 2701 Sunset Bay Beach Rd Ahmeek, Michigan P.O. Box 275 Ahmeek, Mi 49901 June - Oct. 906-337-2494 - Nov.- May 941-232-4832
Mailing Address: Sunset Bay RV Resort & Campground P.O. Box 275 Ahmeek, Mi 49901